Tyre Rotation is the general automobile practice of changing the car tyre's position from one to another. While car tyre rotation, each tyre and wheel is removed from a car and change their status to ensure that all tyres wear evenly and last longer.

The primary purpose of Tyre rotation is to get even tyre wear. Regular practice of tyre rotation helps to extend the life of your tyres and improve performance.

tyre rotation

Why is Car Tyre Rotations Important?

Usually, it is observed that tyres on the front side of the car wear out faster compare to car tyres at the back side. Car tyre rotation at regular interval helps the tyres wear more evenly and lets you get the most out of their tread life.

Tyre wear is a natural part of car driving; however, there are some factors why they do so unevenly. Depending on whether you drive a front-wheel or rear-wheel drive vehicle, either your front or rear tyres will wear quicker, respectively. This is due to the axle carrying more strain. Even turning left causes your tyres to abrade unevenly, this is due to most intersections, and parking ramps are requiring you to turn left, and because left turns are narrower than the right ones. If you are looking for minimising effects of uneven tyre wear, then rotation of car tyres at particular time-interval become necessary.

How often car tyres need to rotate?

The ideal time for car tyres rotation is in every six months or 6,000 miles. Other factors may mean you need to rotate your tyres more frequently. Some elements are:

1) Long Travel, High Speed & Heavy Loads: In other circumstances like high speed, heavy loads or long distances tyre rotation process might be faster. In the case of the regular drive at high speed and long distances with heavy loads, tyre rotation process would be more frequent.

2) Detect uneven wear: In the general inspection, if you have found uneven wear on car tyres, then it should be rotating them as soon as possible.

3) Humming noise: In some cases, if car tyres emit a humming noise while driving on an ugly road then it will be a clear indication of tyre rotation.

Car Tyre Rotation Patterns:

After understanding the causal factor of tyre rotation, you also need to follow a few things before initiating tyre rotation. In the initial step, you also need to know about vehicle's drive type, which could be front wheel drive, rear wheel drive, or all-wheel drive. After that determine about the sizes of car tyres and wheels. Here you need to specify that all tyres have the same dimensions or different. The 3rd and last thing you need to know is whether your tyres are directional or not.